Reference service in brief

The referral service allows a company to present its customer story comprehensively to new customers and to market with referrals. Your potential new customer will evaluate you primarily based on your deliveries to other customers. Why not introduce them comprehensively and spectacularly to new customers?

”What else have you done to our industry?” It is impossible for a seller to remember or know about all the other sellers ’transactions even years ago. The problem is exacerbated if sales are made in different areas. Another product or service that might be very helpful to tell you may have been delivered to another customer. A few star references on the website are not helpful enough.

With the help of the reference service, the seller will be able to present all your know-how and all the transactions you have made really comprehensively and even from your mobile phone. The company's marketing also benefits from the Reference Service, as the Customer Stories stored in the service provide unlimited content to the company's own social media channels as is, without any extra effort.

The service is very easy and inexpensive to use.


The instructive and intuitive interface allows you to enter references instantly, even immediately after trades.


You will be able to present all your expertise to your customers and use the same content in your marketing.

Your company-looking

The stylish service is tailored to your company's products and services and adapted to the look of your company.


The clearly priced service is available to you with no long-term commitment and you can use it as much as you want for the same fee.


The use of the reference service is simple and clearly phased. The service learns from the references already entered and provides information in the input phase of the following references. Thanks to a simple form, it only takes a moment to enter a new reference, after which the reference is available to all salespeople as well as a marketing and sales management tool.


The reference service acts independently as a provider of the company's expertise. It can also be linked to the company’s own website. Individual references to the service can be published on the company's own social media channels at the touch of a button. The service works on mobile and is always included.

Your business

Whether you sell products and / or services, you can easily bring them all to the Reference Service. The service creates the company's own familiar division of products and services, which means that a single reference always falls into the right category. As references increase, their division is clear and easy to retrieve. Customer stories repeat what your company has to offer, and the color scheme of your site reproduces the colors of your company. The whole puts your business high above your competitors.


The pricing of the reference service is simple and the same for everyone. The cost of setting up the service is € 890 and includes everything you need to set up a company account to enter and train for the first four references. After this onetime cost, the use of the service costs only 89 € / month. No hooks or commitments have been built into the service. If you are not satisfied, you can cancel the service at any time.

Calculate the service potential

How many trades does your company make per year? What kind of image would you get of your business if your new customers could see every product or service you provide to your old customers?

Do you tell just a few references on your own website? And are the references right there capable of appealing to all sorts of new customers? Use the counter below to easily calculate how many potential references you would have to tell new customers.

= 144 New reference on an annual basis

Benefits of a reference service
For Sales & Marketing

Benefits for sales

  • The seller is able to present the references of the entire company to the customer easily and visibly
  • The seller does not have to remember what customer story. transactions the other sellers had made and where
  • The large number of references strengthens your credibility in the eyes of your customers many times over the mere presentation and assurances of the
  • The salesperson sees which colleague has sold similar products to other customers and can contact him directly to tell his customer more about the implementations made in the same industry

Benefits of marketing

  • References registered in the reference service can be distributed directly from the service to social media channels and their structure serves as a short customer story.
  • You can link the page of the reference service to your own web pages simply, for example, behind the “Get to know our references” button
  • A link to an individual reference can be sent by e-mail or the company's service page can be linked to, for example, the signature of each employee's e-mail

Upgrading is easy, even on a cell phone

The use of the reference service is clearly phased and fast. You enter a title, a few lines of text, and attach images. The service provides an impressive reference to them.

The service learns from the entered references, providing basic information as a basis for a new reference in the future.

The finished reference is immediately available to all salespeople as well as to marketing.


Entering a new reference starts with selecting the customer. You can either create a new customer or select an existing one from the list.


In the next step, you enter the basic information for the reference and select whether it is a product or a service. Also at this point, you can either use existing products / services or create new ones as needed


After entering the basic data, the reference images are entered. You have a total of 5 image locations, one of which serves as the main image of the reference. You can also enter a caption for the main image if you wish.


Finally, attach a vendor to the reference. You can either use an existing vendor in the system, or add a new one from the flight at this point. You can also choose to display seller information on the reference page.

This is how easy it is and affordable it is

You get the reference service for your company simple and inexpensive to use

The service start-up cost of € 890 includes all of this:

  • for your domain www.referenssipalvelu.fi/companyname
  • basic information recording service (company information, users, social media addresses, etc.)
  • recording the first three references in the service, after which the service is already ready for use
  • training for the company's reference expert

Monthly fee 89 € / month includes

  • for a company-specific domain service
  • without restriction on the use of the service
  • input of references without a limit
  • distribution of references without a time limit
  • use support in problem situations
  • maintaining a database of company references

The fee for the reference service is billed every three months. service is not binding long contracts, but can be terminated at any time in the ongoing billing period out.

Check out the example implementations

Palvelun asiakkaita

Me käytämme Referenssipalvelua

Referenssipalvelun avulla yritys voi esittää kattavasti asiakastarinansa uusille asiakkaille sekä markkinoida referenssien avulla. Esittele osaamisesi kattavasti ja näyttävästi uusille asiakkaille. Hyödynnä omat referenssisi myynnin lisäksi myös tarjouksissa sekä sosiaalisen median markkinoinnissa, kuten jo moni muu tekee.

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